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Add Job Types in the WP Job Portal!

Add New Job Type

From your admin dashboard, navigate to Admin Dashboard → Dashboard Menu → Add New Job Type to start the process of creating job types effectively. On the ‘Add New Job Type’ form, you will provide all the necessary details for posting a job type. Here’s a breakdown of the required information from the admin perspective:

  • Title: Provide a descriptive title for the job type.
  • Color: Set a color for the job type.
  • Published: Controls whether the job type is published or unpublished. The publish status determines if the job type will be visible or not.
  • Default: Controls the default status of the job type. Setting it as a default means this job type will be selected by default (on page load) on forms.

The form also includes buttons at the bottom to “Cancel” or “Save Job Type.” Once all these details are filled in, hit the save button, and the job type will be successfully saved.


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