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Highest Education in the WP Job Portal!

Manage Highest Education

From your Admin Dashboard, go to Dashboard MenuHighest Educations. This page displays a list of all defined education levels. Admins can filter education entries by title or status (published, unpublished).

At the top left, action buttons allow you to publish, unpublish, or delete single or multiple education entries (using checkboxes).

  • Ordering: Controls the sequence in which education levels appear in a combo box.
  • Default: Sets the default education level selected on forms.
  • Publish Status: Controls whether the education level is visible in the combo box.

Additionally, there is an option to Add New Education at the top right of the page.

Adjust Education Order

You can adjust the order of your education levels on the job form, determining their sequence in the combo box. After changing the field order and saving it, the job form will reflect your preferred ordering.


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